The most effective means of treatment of prostatitis cures

The prostatitis is called the inflammatory process of the prostate. It is accompanied by strong painful sensations, discomfort during sex, a complete blockage of the output and urine are sources or difficulty urinating. Cure the disease of the medium and the terminal, without consultation with the doctor and the full study is very difficult, almost impossible. However, in the beginning of its development to cope with it is quite realistic, and this is not necessarily the drinking of potent drugs. In this case, help is capable of alternative medicine.


Preparation for the treatment of prostatitis at home

Before you start to take medicines prepared in their own hands, you need to know about the nature of the origin of the prostatitis. This condition appears on the background:

  • the activity of the microflora pathogenic in the urinary tract (bacteria, fungi, microbes);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • the cooling of the body;
  • the poor image of the life;
  • the lack of physical activity.

Without eliminating the root causes of prostatitis cope with the inflammation of the prostate will not work. Therefore, in a period of 2-2,5 weeks of man must drink in the course of the immune boosters and vitamins and mineral complexes, and only then start to take the traditional medicine.

In the list of simple, but effective immunomodulatory, sold without a prescription, includes:

  • Impaired immune;
  • extract of echinacea, in the form of alcohol liquor;
  • Amiksin;
  • Immunity.

Vitamins and mineral complexes are the key selected by personal reasons. The essential to pay attention to their composition. They must contain potassium, magnesium, vitamins of group c, and b and D, phosphorus and iron. These substances are useful for male of the body and contribute to the rapid removal of the inflammatory process.

Treatment of prostatitis at home using popular methods

Alternative medicine offers many options to combat the inflammation of the prostate. Some of them act slowly, but are resistant to the therapeutic effect, others bring instant relief, but they require a long and a permanent home. To say in advance on the execution of a comprehensive methodology of the survey and urination impossible. Therefore, doctors still insist on the fact that you must first go to the hospital to get a diagnosis and then just to treat yourself.

If the man does not want to or cannot consult a physician, and decided to get rid of prostatitis in the home, it must be remembered that, in the absence of positive changes in the period of 2 months, it is necessary to stop the treatment and to make an appointment with the urologist. If you continue to take medications which does not bring results, with a high probability of the usual form of the disease enters the acute or chronic.

Here is the list of the best ways suggested by the traditional healers of men suffering from prostatitis. They have been verified for centuries, and in most cases, give a result of 100%.

Herbal medicine

A doctor

This technique has appeared in the time of the ancient sumerians, and involves the application of medicinal plants. In phytotherapy are used as herbs, and their parts. They are the first to saturate the body of useful substances, strengthen the immune system, and then begin to treat the cause of the inflammation of the prostate, other healthy other organs and in prevention of colds, infectious diseases, and viral diseases.

In the treatment of prostatitis, you can use plants collected from his hands, or ready-to-raw material purchased at the pharmacy. The effectiveness of a drug does not change, but the healers recommend that you choose exactly freshly picked grass, so that, according to them, they contain more vitamins, amino acids and trace elements that, in production of treatment.

Good results in the fight against the inflammatory process of the prostate cancer research are of the plants:

  • stinging nettle;
  • peony evader;
  • swimsuit plantain;
  • lapuh;
  • fireweed;
  • the persil.

To make the medicine, need to take 4 tablespoons of one of these herbs, pour them in an enameled pan and pour hot water (about 1 liter). After everything is cooked-to-point over low heat for half an hour, filtered and poured into a clean container. In the broth add a few tablespoons of honey, a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. The sugar are to taste, but it is better to do without it.

The tool to take half a cup 3-4 times per day, preferably on an empty stomach. The average duration of treatment – 1.5-2 months. The ministers to improve the well-being needs to be visible from the second week of treatment.

Yet, the traditional healers suggest to take 1 tablespoon each of the herbs and mix them. From this collection, you can make a decoction or an infusion. The latter prepares with the medical application of alcohol, diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 3, or the food, of glycerin (for those who are against the drug with the content of ethyl).

The collection of medicinal plants pour the mixture in a jar, there, pour 0.5 liters of liquid, everything is well mixed and is closed by an airtight lid. Insist that medication should be at least 10 days. After, it is filtered and should take 10-20 ml 3 times per day with an interval of 4 to 5 hours.

Water treatments

This method of therapy is based on the preparation of therapeutic baths, as well as for all body, and to the members, or of the intimate zone. For the procedures you need to make a strong decoction of sage, of chamomile, of celandine, calendula or lemon balm. 3 liters of water is taken at least 800 g of each plant. All of the components are 30 to 40 minutes, and then prorezyvatsja and we chill for up to 40 to 43 degrees.

The broth is poured into the bathtub full of hot water, the man plunges into her chest and is in a position for 15-20 minutes After it should, it and just go to sleep.

Another option of treatment of prostatitis are a spa for the feet. Before going to sleep in the basin, divorce 1.5 litres of broth with a liter of hot water, there to plunge the foot. The decoupling lasts up to a full liquid cooling. The result on the feet, put on warm socks, and are not removed until the morning.

You can still pour 3 litres of broth and as much water in a large bowl. The male is required to sit in him, so that the liquid covers the genitals. The procedure lasts about half an hour, if the water is cooled prior to being in its not worth it.

Herbal medicine

The basins with the decoction of herbs it is necessary to do every two days. As a means of therapy, they are not suitable, it is better to combine it with other tools of alternative medicine. The treatment of the water will help to normalize the blood circulation in the body, the lower limbs, to relieve the inflammation in the basin, as well as to help strengthen the immune system, in effect, a part of useful substances enters the body, even through the skin.

The candles

Suppositories, entered in the anus, are considered to be the best way to combat the prostatitis. They are beginning to act more quickly than oral medications, and give long-lasting results.

Popular "archaic" ways of the preparation of the candles:

  • Ingredients of bees wax (for the base), cocoa, milled grain, pumpkin seeds, essential oil of sage, a clove of garlic. First, it is necessary to melt the wax (70 g). Its spread out on a plate, which puts it above the pan with water. Until it warms up, the wax melts. No more need to add 1 tablespoon of natural cocoa powder, 3 drops of oil of sage, a small knife chopped clove of garlic and 10 grams of pumpkin seeds, dried and milled in a coffee mill. All the components are mixed, formed an oblong shape of a candle, which is placed in the refrigerator for hardening. Ready suppositories injected into the anus of 1 time per day, before bedtime. Treated in this way must be from 1 to 2 months;
  • 150 g natural butter mixed with honey and a teaspoon of onion juice. This mass in form of plugs of 1 to 2 cm and send them to the refrigerator to harden. Suppositories use it every day for the night. Duration of treatment up to 1.5 months. Handle frozen candles butter must be done with care. They are very fragile and if rectal introduction can break. To facilitate the process, you can coat the surface of the candle cold of the sunflower oil;
  • It is necessary to buy with melted pork fat, extracted from the celandine (without alcohol), dry, stinging nettle and essential oil of orange. 100 g of lard hot in the metal of the plate. You can't melt the fat completely, but simply to make it flexible. Add a pinch of nettle, 1/4 tablespoon of extract of celandine, diluted by half with water and a few drops of essential oil. The mixture is placed at 15 minutes in the refrigerator. When it begins to harden, it will shape the candle of small size. After heat and spread on parchment paper or plastic wrap and re-send to cool. Solidified suppositories introduce anal in the morning and before bedtime.

Solutions for douching

The enema of decoctions of medicinal plants is a good alternative to candles, entry into the anus. Their is easy to prepare and easy to apply.

Therapeutic Solutions for douching during of prostatitis are:

  • a grove of aspen or oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • the berries of sea buckthorn;
  • the stinging nettle;
  • mint;
  • jẳįšwẳl lugs;
  • The candles
  • absinthe;
  • calendula;
  • the dogrose;
  • drown the drum of my.

These ingredients are quickly remove the inflammatory process, locally, to strengthen the immune system, kill germs and bacteria.

100 g of any of these raw materials, pour hot water (350-400 ml), cook over low heat for 10 minutes, leave to infuse and cool to a comfortable temperature, then filter it and win an enema (syringe). If you want, you can add to the solution a little honey.

The tip of an enema is injected into the anus and pour in the rectum of its contents. Then, the man should influence the sphincter and keep the liquid inside at least a few minutes.

Do douching need every day, preferably several times per day. A quick result can be obtained in the adaptation of enemas, baths, rectal candles and/or receive oral medication of prostatitis.


This is the auxiliary mode of the fight against the inflammation of the prostate. It can't cure the disease, but to accelerate the course of therapy and strengthen the action of the drug is quite capable.

For compresses, as in the case of enemas, it is necessary to prepare a solution. The better suited for this:

  • the coltsfoot;
  • rosemary;
  • calendula;
  • the milk thistle;
  • swimsuit plantain;
  • nard;
  • celandine;
  • eucalyptus (from leaves or dye);
  • the horsetail.

100 g of each plant, fresh or dried, cooked in 500 ml of water. The liquid is filtered, it moisten a piece of gauze (about 20 x 10 cm). The fabric slightly wring out and apply to the crotch, squeezing dense underwear.

The decoction of oats

Relieve the compress when it has cooled down. The procedure every day before going to bed. For bed linen is not wet, under it put the oilcloth or folded in four with a sheet.

Other folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis in men

If the methods above to relieve the inflammation of the prostate gland have not given result, or the effect of their use weakly expressed, you can try the following recipes:

  • Oats (300 grams) is poured 500 ml of water and stirred for about half an hour. After that, the liquid is filtered, mixed with the cinnamon and the crushed garlic (3-4 pods). The taste of the medication very unpleasant, but it helps to relieve the syndrome of the pain, strengthen immunity, and in a short time to get rid of the prostatitis. The mixture to drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before each food intake. The treatment doesn't last more than a month;
  • 1 tablespoon of bee dead bees (dead insects) mixed with a glass of sunflower oil or olive oil and heat it on the stove. The extract of bee is used for compresses applied to the perineum, between in the composition of suppositories rectal with pork fat or propolis;
  • In a cup of boiling water divorce 2 teaspoon of mustard powder. The mixture obtained is moistened with gauze, its fold in four and put it between the testicles and anus. Clean a compress when it starts to cool down. Cure by this means of the prostatitis does not, however, the mustard compresses well disperse the blood provide for the issuance of signs of inflammation and several times accelerate the process of treatment;
  • The most simple, but effective in the fight against prostatitis – drink tea rosehip with lemon, mint and cinnamon. The fruit of the plant is crushed in the mill, and pour the boiling water, bury themselves in the teapot slice of lemon, a few mint leaves and seasoning. All brewed in a couple of hours and is used in the warm 2-3 times per day. The drink is prepared always fresh.
Vospalenie of the prostate

The role of prevention in the treatment of prostatitis

Treat inflammation of the prostate, and do not do the prevention – 100% guarantee, that the disease after a certain time will return. This is why, in addition to the receipt of drugs and immunomodulatory drugs, the man must take care of his health and ensure that the disease no longer worried. Need to adhere to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to protect the body against cold and overheating. Strong fluctuations of the ambient temperature have a negative influence on the state of the body;
  • In the menu should appear fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, fresh fruit, meat and food rich in protein;
  • The activity is the guarantee of the absence of the process flow in the pelvic region. So need more to walk, every morning of the recharge or run before going to sleep in the park;
  • Bad habits such as smoking, drug addiction, or alcoholism, is not only able to amplify the symptoms of prostatitis, but in the aggregate, affect the health of men. To accelerate the progress of the therapy and for always forget about the serious diseases, it is necessary to abandon them and begin to lead a healthy life.

Is also necessary to consult your doctor regularly and follow his or her recommendations. A constant monitoring of the part of the doctors, help to identify the pathology and to fight against it.