The symptoms of prostatitis in men, treatment and prevention

Symptoms of prostatitis ULTRASOUND

Prostatitis in men symptoms are different, depending on the current form of the disease. The inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate occurs for several reasons. The fault may be a virus, bacteria and even chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and pyelonephritis.

Some forms of the disease are rare, others are diagnosed more often. It exists, and the so-called total symptoms, but to understand the classification is not so simple.

What is the prostatitis and classification

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs for various reasons. The inflammatory process affects the tissues of the prostate, characterized unpleasant symptoms and may be the result of tuberculosis, alcoholism or obesity.

Types of prostatitis known to doctors:

  1. Acute bacterial – this aspect of the disease is very rare and is characterized acute, marked symptomatology. Requires treatment in the hospital, under the supervision of a specialist, may become the cause of a sepsis or a septic shock.
  2. Chronic bacterial – disease is often without marked symptoms, but in some cases, there are some signs of acute type of prostatitis.
  3. Chronic non-bacterial) — develops on the background of neuromuscular diseases infectious or appears as the result of inflammatory processes occurring in the body for a long period of time. All of the factors that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process, physicians install and failed.
  4. Asymptomatic (asymptomatic) — may appear as a disease cover, is growing rapidly, but, particularly, the symptomatology has not. Signs of inflammation are mild. In some cases, the disease does not require treatment and can work independently, after elimination of the first cause.
  5. Chronic granulomatous – occurs on the background of the substitution of the tissue of the prostate growths of fibrous tissue with granules inside. In the granules can be foci of necrosis. The disease develops as a complication after undergoing surgery on the pelvic organs, or as the result of an infection occurring in the tissues.

The classification in the detail

The form of prostatitis may be a little different from a classification by type of pathogen, has resulted in the development of inflammation:

The type of the disease Pathogens Other information
The Coli and pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, staphylococci. The bacteria can penetrate into the tissues of the prostate gland with the lymph and the flow of the blood.
Blennorrhagique The gonococci. Infection occurs during unprotected sexual contact.
Viral The herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, human papilloma virus. The main risk of the disease lies in the fact that the virus cells proliferate actively and may hit the cells of the neighbouring organs.
Tb The Bacillus Of Koch. This type of infection is dangerous because is difficult to treat, occurs as a disease associated with the active basic of the tb.
Fungal The fungi of the genus Candida. Develops on the background of taking antibiotics or after a non-protected sexual intercourse with a woman the lily of the valley.
Mixed 2 type of infection. Extremely rare and may be a consequence of infection by the 2 types of bacteria.
Calculous disease is the only one, it occurs because of the education in the tissues of the prostate stones (stone), they cause the development of the inflammatory process.

A woman can infect humans of different bacteria. The infection occurs in a period of no PA. The pregnancy of his partner increases the risk of infection during this period, in women, weakening of the immunity often develops from the yeast, and it, in turn, becomes the cause of a fungal development of prostatitis.

The signs and symptoms

The first sign of prostatitis is a pain that occurs in the period of urination and the door of the climbing intensifies to the extent of the compression of the ureter.

The various symptoms of prostatitis in men

The main symptoms of prostatitis:

  • problems in the intimate sphere;
  • urethral (in rare cases, it all depends on the type of disease);
  • the pain during urination;
  • frequent need to urinate;
  • an increase in the temperature of the body, general signs of intoxication.

The symptoms of prostatitis in men bad omen to climbing. Gradually swelling of the tissues of the prostate. It increases volume, increases, increases pain, and the symptoms increases.

The signs of prostatitis are acute and chronic

How, then, is manifested prostatitis acute current, the description of the symptomatology:

  1. The increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees and above.
  2. The appearance of the flow of the urethra.
  3. The worsening of the pain in the region of the groin.
  4. Frequent and painful to urinate.
  5. The erection problems.

Symptoms often occurs spontaneously, it is intensifying and may be accompanied by a deterioration of the general condition of the patient: loss of appetite, weakness, total, disease, and apathy.

What are the signs that are characteristic of the chronic type of the disease:

  • discomfort during erection;
  • recurrent pain in the region of the groin, the stomach, the egg or in the perineum;
  • the difficulties encountered during urination.

Chronic of the current form of the symptoms of prostatitis in men are weak, they occur regularly. Of concern to the man from time to time. But in bad conditions, the symptoms intensifies, there arise the problems of erection and urination.

The cause of the disease

The causes of prostatitis in men are multiple, and the inflammatory process in the tissue grows on the bottom:

  • the non-observance of rules of personal hygiene;
  • sexual contact with a woman, with infectious diseases;
  • systematic hypothermia;
  • chronic pyelonephritis, or tuberculosis.

The causes of the disease are often associated with the body of the person to the infectious agent. Chronic inflammatory process in the absence of adequate treatment develops and invades the nearby tissues.

The causes of prostatitis among young people:

  • stress, poor diet, lack of vitamins;
  • abstinence, keeping the long-term nature;
  • the promiscuity with different women;
  • a physical activity on the body (weight training).

Although the causes of prostatitis are various, according to urologists, there is a group at risk, including people:

  1. Older.
  2. Individuals who are immunocompromised.
  3. Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. The abuse of alcohol.

The chronic diseases, the systematic use of alcohol, promiscuous sex can become the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. But if regular reviews of, and to attend to a urologist and passing tests, then you can not cope with this disease.

The diagnosis of the disease

The methods of diagnosis of prostatitis

The diagnosis of prostatitis occurs in several steps, it includes:

  • the collecting of the anamnesis (the description of the symptoms and anxieties of the patient);
  • conducting a pelvic ULTRASOUND (prostate, kidney, and ureters);
  • urine analysis (general, clinical, on Nechiporenko, daily dose and culture;
  • the removal of the urethra on the microflora;
  • palpatory inspection;
  • the analysis of the blood on ELISA;
  • urography (place, if necessary, due to the toxicity of the method and the presence of contra-indications).

The main method of diagnosis is to conduct a study to identify and eliminate the root causes of the disease.

The methods of treatment

The treatment of prostatitis in men begins with the relief of inflammation and reduce the intensity of unpleasant symptoms. It may take place in several steps:

  • the use of antibiotics;
  • the achievement of physiotherapy;
  • receiving diuretics, vitamins and immunomodulators.

How to treat prostatitis in men, and, above all, that must tell the doctor. Because it all depends on the cause of the inflammation and the severity of the symptomatology.

The tablets of prostatitis can be divided into several groups:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • vitamins and stimulants of the immune system.

Antibiotics are prescribed in all cases, but to prescribe to a patient these drugs, doctor must be sure of the diagnosis.

The drugs take over in 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the duration of treatment increases. But if the antibiotics have not had undue influence on the patient's body, the treatment is subject to correction.

The prostate massage – the method of enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment. It is prescribed when the flow in the prostate gland and the use in the adjuvant setting.

Massage more effective in the period of exacerbation of the disease. It allows you to "save" the prostate of residues accumulated in his secret, in order to remove through the urethra pathogens. This helps to enhance the action of antibiotics and reduce the duration of treatment.

The physiotherapy treatments may designate:

  • the laser treatment;
  • preheating;
  • ultrasound phonophorèse;
  • diadynamophoresis.

That dangerous prostatitis, if it is not treated

Dangerous if the prostatitis to the health of men and that the main risk of the disease? Everything is a matter which the inflammation develops quickly, it "catches" the tissue of the prostate and if the disease is not treated, it can cause:

  1. chronic infertility;
  2. changes fibrous in tissue;
  3. impotence (with a probability of 45%);
  4. the chronic diseases of the kidneys and other nearby organs.

That dangerous prostatitis if ill-chosen therapy:

  • In the absence of treatment, the inflammatory process can become chronic;
  • Lead the development adenoma of the prostate;
  • The erection problems.

On the bottom of a long current inflammation becomes the cause of the outbreak, the signs which could exacerbate the health of patients and complicate the course of the disease.

The prevention of prostatitis at home

The prevention of prostatitis boils down to some simple rules:

  • the observance of personal hygiene;
  • the use of antiseptics after non-PA;
  • the rationalization of sex life;
  • the correction of the ration (it is to be included in the diet of the meat, it is rich in proteins).

As well as the prevention of prostatitis in men may involve taking certain medicines:

  1. vitamins and minerals;
  2. immunostimulant;
  3. diuretics of plant origin.

Methods of prevention to help to prevent the development of the inflammatory process, but it must not lower its guard.

In order not to treat prostatitis is worth treating colds and viral diseases.

The inflammation of the prostate is a dangerous disease that can cause serious complications. Therefore, at the onset of unpleasant symptoms costs as soon as possible contact a urologist, this will avoid serious complications, such as impotence, infertility.